Mentions légales

Headquarters : is produced by BM&A Advisory & Support, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €1,287,474 headquartered at 11, rue de Laborde 75008 Paris (registered at the Paris trade office under number 513 273 763).
Mr Pierre Béal is the website's lead manager.
Hosting and design :
The design by l'Atelier (Cécile Garlantezec-Lirin, Marie Bondeelle, Arnaud Corbin).
The site is hosted and maintened by Ogmyos - 510 avenue de Jouques - ZI Les Paluds - 13 400 AUBAGNE.
CNIL : is registered with the French National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (CNIL) under the number 2044897.
According to the law, you have the right to access, modify, or delete the data that concerns you. To exercise this right, please write to BM&A, 11 rue de Laborde 75008 Paris, France.
